BIMBI Daniel

BIMBI Daniel


Born in 1971 in Carcassonne (France), he began his musical training at L'École Nationale de Musique de Perpignan, where he earned four  gold medals in clarinet, music theory, improvisation and chamber music.   He teaches clarinet at different schools in the region of Vallespir, and he takes advantage to work with Professor Deplus Guy, and he obtains the Premier Prix de Clarinette Ville de Paris. In 1994 he won the Prix d' Exécution in Clarinet de l' Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris .   That same year he won the audition for the position of principal clarinet of the Musique des Flotte Equipages of Toulon, position he held until 1997. Currently, he is Eb clarinet soloist in this prestigious ensemble and teaches clarinet at l'École de Musique de Bandol.   He is also devotes time to composition, his passion since the age of 15.   A member of the SACEM, and his latest compositions are mainly commissions from orchestras and performers. From the year 2007 he is mentored by Jan Van Der Roost, internationally recognized composer in the specialty of wind orchestra (symphonic band).
