

HAFABRA Music volumes

8.27 € ex VAT (21%)

NEW ! [89280-2] Kojiki (Vol. 54)

CD "Kojiki" performed by the Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by Jean-Pierre HAECK and Hardy MERTENS

Band : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra
Conductor : Jean-Pierre HAECK and Hardy MERTENS
Amazon Itunes

wind band | fanfare | brass band
OlympiaHIROSE Hayato
Audio Player
KojikiHILLIARD Quincy C.
Audio Player
A journey to the WestGROENWEGHE Thomas
Audio Player
Le magicien en herbeBÔMONT Laurent
Audio Player
ChampionGALANTE Rossano
Audio Player
Adagio for harmonyDEMARSAN EricCARLIN Alexandre
Audio Player
Overture to a new horizonBANDMAN Matt
Audio Player
The bandmasterHAECK Jean-Pierre
Audio Player
Into the skies aboveWADA Naoya
Audio Player
Celtic legendJONES Terra
Audio Player
GlühwürmchenLINCKE PaulKITANO Yo
Audio Player
The girl from NarrateemaMERTENS Hardy
Audio Player
In the summertimeDORSET RaySAKAMOTO Toshio
Audio Player


This month, we are happy to announce that the CD Mutations is offered at a promotional price of 4.14 ! (+ VAT).

In the spotlights


Arranged by Alexandre CARLIN


Audio Player
Louis Martinus
Louis Martinus

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Imaginary dances
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Voyage initiatique
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Vol. 54
Imaginary dances
Masterpieces vol. 18
Voyage initiatique
Digital only, no hard copy
Vol. 54
Imaginary dances
Masterpieces vol. 18
Voyage initiatique
Digital only, no hard copy