Light music vol. 2

Light music vol. 2

HAFABRA Music collection

No longer available [ES 47.455] Light music vol. 2

Compilation CD

Band : Various orchestras and conductors
Conductor : Various
Amazon Itunes

wind band | fanfare | brass band
Liberty fanfareWILLIAMS JohnKITANO Yo
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HAFABRA folliesGAY Bob and PEETERS Marcel
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Pegasus bridgeSMEETS Roland
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Russian moodTraditional GAY Bob and PEETERS Marcel
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Enjoy your lifeCREPIN Alain
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Czardas moodGAY Bob and PEETERS Marcel
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BrelBREL JacquesWYCKHUYS Dominique
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Tijuana taxiCOLEMAN Ervan BudDEVROYE Pascal
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Opus for MaxGAY Bob and PEETERS Marcel
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FugainFUGAIN MichelWYCKHUYS Dominique
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That´s 4 U!DEVROYE Pascal
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Brother JohnTraditional SMEETS Roland
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ChristmixWELTERS Suzanne
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Leaden sunlightSMEETS Roland
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BatumanbeTraditional DE RUDDER Michel
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Take a walkMERTENS Hardy
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This month, we are happy to announce that the CD Phoenix ascending is offered at a promotional price of 4.14 ! (+ VAT).

In the spotlights

Future nostalgia

composed by Naoya WADA

Future nostalgia

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Louis Martinus
Louis Martinus

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