The land of Zarathustra

The land of Zarathustra

HAFABRA Music volumes

No longer available [89005-2] The land of Zarathustra (Vol. 42)

Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by Jean-Pierre HAECK and Hardy MERTENS

Band : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra
Conductor : Jean-Pierre HAECK and Hardy MERTENS
Amazon Itunes

wind band | fanfare | brass band
KansasHAECK Jean-Pierre
Audio Player
Oboe dream danceBOURGEOIS Derek
Audio Player
The land of Zarathustra
  • Ahuramazda and Ahriman (The inner battle)
  • The fire temple (Zarathustra's prayers)
  • Gahanbars (The Persian festivities)
Audio Player
Landscapes for Trumpet and bandHAECK Jean-Pierre
Audio Player
The eight pointed cross choraleSCIBERRAS Ray
Audio Player
Persian dance n° 2MOLOOKPOUR Amir
Audio Player
The sleeping beautyTCHAIKOVSKY Peter IllitchKITANO Yo
Audio Player
Battle of the BulgeFRANKEL BenjaminSMEETS Roland
Audio Player
Rien à déclarerROMBI PhilippeWYCKHUYS Dominique
Audio Player
How the West was wonNEWMAN AlfredSMEETS Roland
Audio Player
Babushka's Christmas treeWELTERS Suzanne
Audio Player
He's a chubby little fellowAUTRY GeneSAKAMOTO Toshio
Audio Player
Audio Player
TzatzikiWELTERS Suzanne
Audio Player
Chilli crab rapMERTENS Hardy
Audio Player


This month, we are happy to announce that the CD Phoenix ascending is offered at a promotional price of 4.14 ! (+ VAT).

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