Phoenix ascending

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Phoenix ascending
Phoenix ascending

Infos :

With its highly-energetic opening, Phoenix Ascending charts the course of the enigmatic bird of Greek mythology that rises from the ashes of its predecessor. It begins with mix-metered percussion which then passes to the wind and brass section, providing an exciting introduction to the ensuing thematic material. The main theme is also in mixed-meter which encapsulates the power and beauty of the mystical creature. The middle section of the work is reminiscent of the main theme, though in a more melancholy fashion, as it reflects on the death of the Phoenix, before turning exuberant as the Phoenix regains life. The third section of the work utilizes the thematic motif from the opening. While the rhythm is the same, the melody has been altered. The work then recapitulates the opening of the piece while incorporating a slower, more grandiose version of the main theme. The work culminates in a burst of rhythm celebrating the resurrection of this magnificent entity.

Phoenix ascending on our YouTube Channel

Louis Martinus
Louis Martinus